Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 42- 3.10 pounds- Moving Day to Step Down NICU unit

This photo shows how fast we were on the
move. Once the decision was made...bam...
she was out the door.
Finally the day has come, after a long 6 week stay in two different NICU units, Gracie is moving to the step down unit. Here at Kadlec that unit only has 3 beds and 1 nurse so they don't stay too long. It is basically to get the baby out of the "intensive care" part of the NICU and put them into a much more quiet and more "parents hands on" area. The next step is Pediatrics. That is where babies go when they have "graduated" from the NICU all together and only need a few days before going home. The babies, er, I mean, nurses get to train parents so they are more comfortable taking home a higher maintenance baby. More on that when that day comes...soon and very soon!
Grace had a very good day with all successful feeds from the bottle. I can't wait to breastfeed. I got the go-ahead a week ago but I'm waiting to be in a more relaxed atmosphere before I try. I also want Gracie to gain weight and "see" the food she is eating so she has the right amount. She is also needing to have the fortifier. That is my next will she get that once she is breastfeeding...good question. She is keeping feeds at 35 ml or cc's. Not really anything new...she is just losing fluid weight while gaining lean weight so staying at the same overall. 3 pounds 10 ounces. The doctors plan is to get her out of her isolette and transition to an open crib...meaning one of those little plastic tubs, I mean "beds" which normal newborns are put in. Cool. Even closer to looking like a newborn!
Leaving the intensive care part of
Down the hall to the "step down" unit of NICU
All snuggled in her new, it is quiet!
Everyone loved her little dress. They said not many babies wear dresses so early in life...33 weeks gestation! Hehe... Here is her first fashion photo shoot.  She was all about posing in different positions. It was funny. Thanks Hannah for the cutie-patootie dress. This dress is seriously doll size. It'll be on her first doll we buy her. :)

1 comment:

  1. It really does look like she is posing for photos! lol
    "Oh, please no more pictures. That is enough for today. No, really." That is what the last picture says in a light breathy voice. :)lol

    How did the family like there balloon presents? That was a good idea. Way to go!
    Lisa B
